Your Website Needs To Do More Than Look Good

February 24, 2014

Your website can do more than you think. Most people think the most important part of their website is how it looks. A good looking website is mandatory these days, but that’s only one piece of the puzzle. The harder part is making sure it performs well. If you aren’t sure what that means then it might be time to call your website person and ask them. If they don’t know how the website is performing on the back end, then it might be time to find a new website team. New York City website design by Van West Media relies on years of agency experience to deliver premium websites and web marketing strategies.

At Van West Media we talk with business owners all the time that don’t have any idea how effective their website is in terms of performance. An effective website should contribute to your businesses bottom line. This means different things to different people depending on the type of business you have. For example, a Manhattan restaurant will have different website goals than a new residential development in Brooklyn Heights.

Van West Media is a NYC Digital Marketing Agency that helps clients to market their goods and services. All business have different goals but creating a successful strategy has some common components.

Create a Compelling Website
Websites that look good perform better. This sounds simple enough but translating an idea into a website is not easy. Take 5 minutes to Google your competitors or some of the other businesses in your vertical and take a quick look at each of their websites homepage. Right away you should be able to tell which sites are done well and which sites have room for improvement. How does your own site look when compared to your competitors?

Get People to See Your Website
What good is a beautiful website if nobody sees it? There are hundreds of millions of websites out there and getting your site noticed can be challenging – especially in a competitive market like New York City. There are a number of ways to get people to visit your site. Optimizing for search engines and web rankings is as complicated as ever and it takes someone with knowledge of the industry to do it right.

Turn Site Visitors into Customers
A business website should be a tool that drives business. As obvious as this may sound, it’s something that a lot of companies overlook. Building a nice website and generating traffic and visits doesn’t do any good if it doesn’t help generate business.

Measure, Monitor & Improve
Once a website is published and getting visitors, knowing what works and what doesn’t work can make the difference between a good site and a great site. Data on each and every individual visit can be recorded and analyzed to help show how effective the website is in helping to generate business. Some of the important pieces of data collected on websites designed by Van West Media include:

  • Most/Least visited web pages
  • Search Queries & Keywords used to find site
  • Geographic information on site visitors
  • Social Media mentions
  • Traffic patterns throughout the day
Not sure where to start on your next website design in New York City? Contact Van West Media